Three members of a family were recklessly killed when Muslims religious fanatics set fire to some houses of the Ahmadi community in Gujranwala, Punjab province, today.
Australia Network News reported that the dead include a woman and her two granddaughters who died of suffocation after the mob attacked the Ahmadi community over an alleged Facebook post made by an Ahmadi teenage boy and shared with a Muslim boy. The latter was offended and gathered a mob to raid the Ahmadi community.
The Express Tribune published the details of the story by which account the mob is said to have first tried to break into a house of the Ahmadi community but the inmates fired at them to stop them from entering the house, injuring the Muslim teen who had started the raid. Following the firing, the angry mob set fire to the houses.
Ahmadi and Christians are constantly persecuted by fundamentalist Muslims in Pakistan, mostly in Punjab province where even police shoots civilians dead in broad daylight for political reasons. In addition, Muslims belonging to Shia sect are routinely terrorized in various parts of the country while the law enforcement exists only in name.