While the American judicial system is spiraling down the drain, Canada’s is already in sewage. Canada’s Federal Court recently ruled to fine journalist and commentator Ezra Levant for publishing a book that is critical of the liberal prime minister Justin Trudeau.
Levant, publisher and lead voice at the conservative news site Rebel News, posted on December 28 that the Federal Court sided with Trudeau and ordered him to pay $13,000 to the Trudeau government in fines and costs. Levant’s crime – publishing a book The Libranos in 2019 that exposes Justin Trudeau’s corruption.
Levant also posted his commentary on the ruling in a video.
Canada’s radical liberal government has shackled the country’s conservatives into hostages with little freedom to live the traditional Canadian way with freedom of religion and speech. Levant is one of the many of free speech advocates that are fighting via word and in the courts to defend whatever is left of the traditional Christian values in the country.