It’s hardly been a month since the Bombay High Court ordered TV channels against airing a show about the hit-and-run case involving Bollywood’s rich and famous actor Salman Khan. Now one of the witnesses in the case has changed his earlier statement.
Times of India informs that NeelSagar Hotel’s security guard Sachin Kadam said in his new statement in the court that he hadn’t told the police about seeing Salman Khan getting down from the car that killed one person and injured others in September 2002. In his earlier statement, Kadam had reportedly told the police that he saw Khan getting out of the driver’s seat and going away from the crime scene. Owing to his new statement, the public prosecutor handling the case is said to have pleaded to the court to declare Kadam a hostile witness.
The Hindu reports that 10 witnesses have been examined so far by the court in the re-trial of the case that has been going on for about 12 years now. During Monday’s hearing, two more witnesses identified Khan as the person getting down from the car that ran over the poor people sleeping outside a bakery in Mumbai in 2002.