by Bob Branco During the Christmas holiday season, a group of protesters encouraged a Cleveland radio station to stop playing “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”. Many
Tag: bob branco
Should Blind Students be Mainstreamed?
by Bob Branco There seems to be an ongoing discussion about whether blind students should attend private schools for the blind or be mainstreamed in
Has Our Contemporary Society Gone Mad?
by Bob Branco I keep telling myself that I will not listen to talk radio as much as I used to, but when local talk
Micromanagement in the Medical Profession
by Bob Branco I don’t know how it is in other parts of the country, but where I live, I have noticed a trend in
Should Marriage be Privatized?
by Bob Branco For a long time, couples who want to get married in this country have been required to obtain a state marriage license.
Texting While Driving
by Bob Branco People love to text. That’s obvious. It is a fast and convenient way to communicate with smart phones, as well as other
Voter Apathy in the United States
by Bob Branco It’s happening everywhere. More and more people are staying home on Election Day. Our right to vote is either watered down or
On Panhandling
by Bob Branco In the city where I live, there are lots of panhandlers who stand on street corners, in parking lots and on highway
Global Warming or Global Exaggeration?
by Bob Branco Is the Earth getting warmer? If you listen to activists who think they can solve this alleged problem, you would think that
Talking Over an Audio Presentation
by Bob Branco Have you ever tried to listen to a presentation, a movie, or anything else that interests you, only to be surrounded by