Howdy folks! Enjoying your summer – the sunshine and heat with chilled drinks and cool movies? I hear so many “always!” it sounds like a party. No party time is quiz time and Quiz 32 is ready. Are you? Good. So let’s tour our Answer Room to learn what the previous quiz was about.
Answer Room Open
Quiz 31 showed the image of an actor – this time a four-pawed hero – and asked to name the movie. The first and only correct answer to that quiz came from Brett Norman of Brisbane, Australia, on VK. “Red Dog, great Australian movie!” Norman wrote. Indeed, Red Dog (2011) is a great movie with the dog Koko playing the title role. Based on the true story of Red Dog of Western Australia in the 1970s, the movie by director Kriv Stenders strengthens the human-dog bond of loyalty and belongingness as we see Red Dog bring together a community with his unconditional love and heart-winning canine intelligence. Who doesn’t want to watch another great dog movie? If you haven’t watched this one, you have missed on something valuable. Not to late though!
While you add Red Dog to your list, get ready for Quiz 32 which awaits you right outside.
Quiz Room Open
Guys, dogs, and movies. Let’s do a quiz about a girl this time. But why not a girl and the movie, given that the movie is such an engaging one?
So here’s your shot for Quiz 32.
I bet many of you can tell who the chick is since those growing up in the ‘80s in America or elsewhere with American shows would surely remember her. Not so sure if you guys can tell the movie though, without looking her filmography up. Yeah it’s a challenge.
As always, put your answers in the comment box below. See ya all at the next quiz.
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