Welcome back to the Film Quiz and today we are here for Quiz 23. How’s everyone doing? Well, don’t put your answers in the comment box without answering the quiz. I do care about you but I love you more when you try to answer the quiz. You know it’s called our mutual pleasure. So let’s try Quiz 23—but first, take a trip through the answer room to learn about the previous quiz.
Answer Room Open
In Quiz 22, you saw two heartthrobs of ‘70s and ‘80s TV and movies. The shot was from a sci-fi movie where they were cast as the lead opposite each other. The image was from The Return (1980) by Greydon Clark. The stars in the shot are the unforgettable Jan-Michael Vincent and the dazzling beauty Cybill Shepherd. The movie had a fairly interesting premise—about UFOs—but didn’t turn out to be a theatrical hit. Itwas released directly to television and video.
There’s one bit of trivia about the shot in Quiz 22. It was the closing shot for the movie and was made into the title cover as it appears on its IMDB page.
Okie, it’s time to exit the answer room and on to Quiz 23.
Quiz Room Open
Now for Quiz 23, you are seeing the shot from a movie – a horror movie of the early ‘90s – showing an actor who appeared in many TV movies, TV shows, and some theatrical films as well. I am not asking you to name the movie this time – though it won’t hurt at all if you do as long as you tell the actor’s name.
Hint: This movie is loosely a remake of a popular horror film of the ‘70s.
So here’s your shot.
Your answers go in comment box below.
Happy guessing and I’ll see you next time!
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