David Lynch’s cult TV serial Twin Peaks (1990) is a distinct chapter in the history of television shows. Starting with the mysterious murder of teenage homecoming queen Laura Palmer in the small, eponymous hillside town, the show ricocheted the ambivalent theme of human ugliness and innocence against the backdrop of a supernatural evil force residing in the heart of the town.
Laura Palmer’s cousin Madeleine Ferguson (Sheryl Lee), Maddy, comes to Twin Peaks attend Laura’s funeral and makes good friends with Laura’s ex James Hurley (James Marshall) and Laura’s best friend Donna Hayward (Lara Flynn Boyle), and the three of them start their own parallel investigation into Laura’s murder, ending up with some startling discoveries.
This clips, from a Season 2 episode of the show, captures the scene of the final meeting between James and Maddy who, at one time, seem to have got romantically involved, much to Donna’s resentment. But the final meeting between the two deconstructs the previous impression of their relationship.