Saudi Arabia continues to openly practice state-operated terrorism and the world watches. The imprisonment and public torture of Raif Badawi by the Saudi government is the worst example of “acceptable” form of terrorism on political level in the international community.
Badawi was sentenced by the mock courts of the terror state to one thousand lashes, to be executed weekly so that he doesn’t die by excess pain and is kept alive for continued public torture. This Friday, he was flogged 50 times as reported by BBC News, as the first installment of his punishment for blogging against Islam. The terror will be repeated 19 more times in the coming months!
The flogging of Badawi is causing much more than injuries on one man’s body. It is ripping the veil of hypocrisy off the faces of those oil-greedy capitalist leaderships who enjoy luxuries by spending their taxpayers’ money while selling all moral obligations to oil owners.
While the US and its political allies have imposed sanctions on Russia and Iran, even sending drones to aid the so-called “moderate” rebels in Syria to fight terrorism, there is absolutely no action taken or warned of against Saudi terrorism carried out by its state. The Wall Street Journal writes, “The Obama administration is seeking to work closely with Saudi Arabia against Islamic extremism.” Was the journal writing ironically? Can you work with the terrorist against terrorism? It of course meant extremism of IS militants who hate Saudi hegemony of Islam (hence hated by Saudi Arabia and of course hated in turn by US).
But if terrorism is bad, if terrorism kills and destroys, and if terrorism must be stopped, then all terrorism be stopped. Selectivity in action against certain terrorists while letting others a free hand simply because they are rich and have oil is the ultimate mockery of war on terror.