by Jay S. Levy
Yellowed nicotine stained Jersey girl
Spatting out ferocious laughter as the flag unfurls
Patriotic protoplasm – She looks at with disdain
Neo-Nazi egotists have led the USA
Paranoia sprayed upon the barren wall blockades
Born again lunatics claimed to be saved!
Screw you – Boys in Blue
Leaders of the untrue
Kiss my A! – CIA
Planning another raid?
Adolescent, clandestine, independent girl
A seductive intelligence permeates her world
Well read, well-fled, Spartan tongue unfurls
A moody tattooed embittered-sweet ale
Radiating, palpitating, exonerating friend
A convalescent bond that will one day end
~ ~ ~
This poem is included in Jay S. Levy’s latest book Pretreatment Guide for Homeless Outreach & Housing First: Helping Couples, Youth, and Unaccompanied Adults (Loving Healing Press, 2013). Read more about the author and his work at
Nice article.