With the ongoing fraudulent “science” of vaccination, journalistic standards are at an all-time low across the world. The recent measles outbreak in Romania reported by some media comes as another example of this decline.
In a brief post published yesterday, Romania Insider ran the headline “Romania sees measles outbreak due to anti-vaccination campaign”. Mentioning two deaths in infants and 675 cases of measles this year in the country, the post rushes on to blame vaccine resistance for this surge in the disease stats. There is no information on the breakdown of the stats as to let readers see how many cases were reported among unvaccinated children and how many vaccinated ones got the disease.
Without these stats, and further rational explanation, the site reprinted a statement form a Facebook post of the country’s health ministry condemning the anti-vaccine movement.
Repeating the same propaganda-style reporting, without giving any details, Sputnik International also pointed fingers at vaccine refusals as responsible for the rise of measles. Not only did this site not provide any stats of vaccinated-versus-unvaccinated cases of measles in the country, but very easily threw in an estimated figure of 114,900 deaths caused by measles worldwide in 2014 without citing any source.
Are these numbers real or made up to serve the vaccine industry? How can we verify that the information provided is not false or fabricated? Is it enough to name claims without engaging in logical discussion to prove the claims as valid?
When reporting on vaccines and many other issues, mainstream media as well as bloggers religiously following them endlessly regurgitate the propaganda that vaccines are safe and effective and that refusing to vaccinate causes a rise in incidence of infectious diseases. The old strategy of repeating a lie often enough to make it sound true is the core of the media-vaccine mafia.
In science, a healthy skepticism is a professional necessity, whereas in religion, having belief without evidence is regarded as a virtue. Paul Davies