Mumps – An Illness Virologists Wanted Children to Get

Mumps – An Illness Virologists Wanted Children to Get

by Stand for Health Freedom

Editor’s note: This article is about mumps alone. The combination MMR shot will be discussed separately.


  • Before the mumps vaccine, an estimated 95% of Americans had mumps in childhood, many asymptomatic, and the illness was rarely fatal.
  • Many studies have shown a history of childhood mumps could protect against various cancers and coronary events later in life.
  • One of the pioneers in the field of virology was a proponent of intentional exposure to mumps and rubella to induce natural immunity and avoid complications from infection later in life.
  • It is widely accepted in the medical community that the efficacy of the mumps vaccine is questionable at best.
  • If our vaccines don’t last very long, we’re creating a situation where vaccination is less safe overall, and riskier than acquiring the disease naturally.
  • Mumps vaccine safety has been so frequently questioned that Japan removed it from their recommended immunizations.

If you could remove every pain, heartache, illness, and mistake your child might endure, would you? It’s tempting to want to say yes. But that loving desire to shield your child from life’s struggles may be a reflection your own fears and discomfort in seeing them grapple with challenge. Consider this: What if life’s challenges are exactly what they need to make them stronger?

Before development of the mumps vaccine, it was estimated that 95% of Americans were exposed to mumps in childhood, generally without complications, and the illness was “rarely fatal.”1

In fact, the CDC didn’t start tracking mumps as a notifiable disease until after the vaccine was developed.2 (By comparison, measles became a nationally notifiable disease in 1912, 50 years before vaccine development).3

Because the mumps infection was so mild, and acquiring the illness later in life was much more dangerous, public health officials advocated for “mumps parties” to make sure children went through the illness young.

So why, suddenly, did we want to stop the disease?

Read on to find out.

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