Make a business of anything and it is likely to tumble down the road to rivalry – health and wellness included. Take for example the case of a tiff between two yoga teaching groups that offer yoga online classes via video illustrations.
Suzanne Morgan Yoga gives the story of this conflict between YogaGlo and Yoga Alliance as the former sent a letter of cease-and-desist to the latter to stop their online yoga classes.
Soon there was a petition on Care2 launched by Yoga Alliance urging YogaGlo to withdraw its patent application. The petition by Richard Karpel, President and CEO of Yoga Alliance, questions the claim of YogaGlo that videotaping a yoga teacher leading a live yoga class in session is their “invention”.
To date, the petition by Yoga Alliance has more than 11 thousand voices of endorsement while the target support is 12 thousand signatures.
The petition does pint to the slogan of YogaGlo “more access to yoga, not less”. Now though many will be wondering whether these catchy mottos are more than hooks for potential clients to make more of the business of natural health.