On Word Matters today we’ll have Orlando-based author and animal rescuer Chris Murphy for a quick chat.
1. Your childhood fantasy
CM: To be bionic, like Colonel Steve Austin and Jamie Sommers
2. Gun or gold
CM: Gun
3. Brown or blue
CM: Blue
4. One thing you can’t live without
CM: Chocolate
5. Paperback or ebook
CM: Paperback
6. Your biggest turn-on
CM: Kindness
7. Rank in order of preference (best first): apple pie, cherries, cookies, French fries, cupcakes
CM: Cherries, cookies, cupcakes, French fries, apple pie
8. If you were to wake up as someone else who would it be?
CM: Warren Buffet, whose fortune I would then give to animal-related charities.
9. Disney World or Niagara Falls
CM: Niagara Falls
10. What does speed-dating makes you think of?
CM: Human loneliness
11. North or south
CM: North
12. One word that describes your life
CM: Unfulfilled
Visit http://www.booksbychrismurphy.com/ to see Chris Murphy’s work.