James Woods Scorches Kamala in Deleted Tweet

James Woods Scorches Kamala in Deleted Tweet

James Woods is not only back on Twitter but has brought his razor-sharp conservative brand of satire with him. So all liberal lunacy is at risk of being slashed and the latest that did is the clueless cackler Kamala Harris.

On Monday (May 1st), James Woods took a dig at Kamala’s tweet announcing her re-election bid with Joe Biden. Kamala wrote:

“I’m proud to run for reelection with President Joe Biden so we can finish the job.”

Woods pounced on the tweet with a snappy remark and pulled no punches. He wrote:

“Job” may not be the best choice of words. Maybe “happy ending?”

But within minutes, the tweet disappeared and an attempt to post a comment on it was answered with a “deleted or not visible” notification.

The URL to the original tweet takes to the page that exists no more.

Woods has been a vocal conservative voice on Twitter and was repeatedly banned from the platform, including once in March 2020 over a tweet that hurt the platform’s leftist establishment of the time. In December 2022, he left Twitter but has since returned and continues to say what he wants with the swagger that has become his twitter trademark.


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