Quiz 38 – Who’s Eyes Are These?
Folks, you really didn’t think there won’t be another quiz before you put your printed calendars away and your phones flip it to 2025 without your lazy fingers making that irreversible tap, did you? Well, Quiz 38 is here (Yayyyyyy!). Let’s get to that movie from the previous quiz.
Answer Desk
The horror/sci-fi-/thriller of Quiz 37 is Videodrome (1983), written and directed by David Cronenberg. James Woods (the actor in the Hint – born in Utah and currently 77 years old) plays the lead in the story while Debbie Harry and Sonja Smits play notable supporting roles. The plot moves through the fight of a programmer (Woods) against the producer of a snuff film broadcast that messes with the viewer’s brain, leading to death.
The movie has an odd and racy feel with a mix of psychological and body horror. Cronenberg would follow it up with more convoluted plots revolving around characters losing their marbles – Dead Ringers (1988), Crash (1996), and Spider (2002) to name a few.
Ready for Quiz 38? Let’s go!
Quiz Window
For Quiz 38, how about a pair of eyes to dazzle you? The actress, whose name you would guess from a close-up of her eyes, was a dazzling star in her glorious years (and there were many) in Hollywood. You can’t blink on this one, to say 🙂 Here’s your shot at the look.
For a refresher – please post your answers using the comment box below. Hopefully we’ll meet at the Quiz Window at least one more time before flipping the calendars.