Quiz 36 – Name This Movie

Quiz 36 – Name This Movie

Happy belated 2023! So one year later, it’s time for Quiz 36, just when you thought we had enough of these little movie trivia! The answer desk has gone nowhere as the actor in Quiz 35 needs to be disclosed before we move on to the new shot.

Answer Desk

Okay, so you are at the answer desk about the shot from a movie from the 1970s and you want to know the actor seen in the quiz image. He happens to be Michael Brandon of Dempsey and Makepeace fame. Brandon’s shot is from the 1972 made-for-television thriller The Strangers in 7A wherein Brandon plays a bad guy terrorizing a couple (Andy Griffith and Ida Lupino) in an apartment building in New York. The movie aired on CBS on November 14, 1972. Brandon’s performance, as a sadistic bully named Billy, is very convincing and pretty much dominates the screen for audience’s attention.

Now you are ready to move ahead to the Quiz Window for today’s shot. Enjoy!

Quiz Window

For Quiz 36, it’s a movie from the 1907s (again!) – a thriller (again!) – and you are asked to name the movie. Easy-peasy! Here’s an interesting shot from the movie’s climax scene.

quiz 36

Want a hint? Okie, let’s see if this helps.

Hint: The lead male actor in this movie was diagnosed with cancer many years later later in his life and he is alive.

For a refresher – please post your answers using the comment box below. Happy guessing in this “new year!”


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