Media is reporting about resurfacing of polio in Philippines—and the laboratory tests confirm that the cause of the new polio outbreak is the polio vaccine administered to children.
Rappler is one of the news outlets that reported on September 19 about the polio case in a 3-year-old girl from Lanao del Sur who tested positive for polio. She was infected with the polio virus that is found in the polio vaccine administered orally (oral polio drops) to children in less developed countries, mostly in Asia and Africa. Such polio infection is termed “vaccine-derived polio”. The story tells:
“The result of [the girl’s stool exam showed vaccine-derive poliovirus (VDPV) type 2, and the child was unvaccinated against polio,” DOH Epidemiology Bureau Director Ferchito Avelino said.
It is interesting to note that Philippines was declared “polio-free” in October 2000, adding that the last case of poliovirus in the country was reported in 1993. So if the country was polio-free, why was a vaccine containing a live virus capable of spreading in the community and causing polio administered to the children there?
The oral polio vaccine has caused numerous polio outbreaks across the world infecting children in outbreaks ranging in numbers from a few to hundreds and likely thousands. The vaccine industry partners with media outlets and governments in various countries to impose the vaccine on the unsuspecting population and thus continuing to make profit off this business.