The following book release is being posted now to online papers across the United States. More poetry to come soon as a chapbook.
Sarah Book Publishing announces the publication of Ernest Dempsey’s second collection of poems, titled Two Candles (January 2014).
A candle is a source of light and therefore, a symbol of hope. But does it have to burn on its own, standing alone, to fill moments of people’s lives with light? Here comes a poet that feels the need for a second candle, one that brings good company to its mate and more light to the scene. Ernest Dempsey’s Two Candles is a collection of poems that integrate imagination, reason, and rhythm. These three elements open the existential door to light in one’s life and the poems included in this collection make a conduit through which light can illumine our existence.
As the author tells in his Preface to the work, these poems play with ‘universals’ – observations and questions extending beyond the present moment and space. It is in these universals where the author sees hope for peace and clarity of meaning.
In these lines, readers will find questions that without the sign of interrogation. Symbols are left to the readers as the poet calls on the spirit of liberation to launch a poetic inquiry into meaning and feelings. The verse in this collection makes readers part of the journey of liberation, giving them more space in the lines than many poets often do.
Two Candles is a journey of seeing things in new light. The author makes one of these candles; and he welcomes the second candle reading his message.
Title: Two Candles
Author: Ernest Dempsey
Paperback: 90 pages
Publisher: Sarah Book Publishing (2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1614561311
ISBN-13: 978-1614561316
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