Since March 2020, the credibility of mainstream doctors has dangerously gone down. Now a new leaked video showing doctors conspiring to scare people into COVID 19 vaccination has sealed the truth about the corruption and lack of credibility of these doctors.
The Canadian news outlet NTDTV published a story today linking to the Twitter video originally posted on September 10 by National File.
The media outlet National File said it obtained the recording from an “internal source” at the Novant Health System that includes New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina.
In the 2-minute clip of a zoom video conference, doctors are shown exchanging ideas on how to make the COVID 19 numbers look scarier, including a suggestion to inflate the actual numbers by counting recovered patients as currently sick with COVID. One of the doctors in the video, identified by the National File as Mary Kathryn Rudyk, is seen suggesting that they need to be “really blunt” and “forceful” to people. To inflate the numbers, she suggests:
There are many people still hospitalized that we’re considering post-COVID, but we are not counting in those numbers, so how do we include those post-COVID people in the numbers of patients we have in the hospital?
The video was shared to BitChute on September 11.
Independent journalist Stew Peters and his guest Deanna Lorraine commented on the video in his latest show.
The video has laid bare the organized and planned web of lies weaved by the doctors conspiring to mislead and scare people to pressure them into getting the COVID 19 vaccines. Complicit in the web of lies of these doctors conspiring to lie to the public are the mainstream media sources that have completely gone silent on the story – a key tactic to bury disturbing truth that can damage their corporate and political interest.