Russian airstrikes and Syrian ground troops in collaboration with Kurd fighters have made notable recent advances against ISIS and other anti-state terrorists, some of them supported by the Saudi-west alliance against Syrian President Bashar Al Assad.

Latest news with video on Russia Today show Russian airstrikes targeting ISIS vehicles. The airstrikes continue to pave the way for Syrian ground forces to reclaim state control of towns and supply routes previously held by ISIS and other anti-state actors.
The role of Turkey in supporting ISIS with arms and money is quite open by now. As reported on teleSUR, the Syrian President even claimed that Turkish army is practically fighting in Syria on the side of ISIS. Turkey is a member of NATO.
Violence of ISIS and other fundamentalist Islamist groups has been referred to as Islamist terrorism. However the Obama administration recently omitted the words “Islamist terrorism” in a video of French President Francois Hollande’s remarks on terror and war on terror in a press conference with Obama admin.
It is too bad that our own government won’t define the enemy, let alone acknowledge that we are in WW3. No, it isn’t the kind of war we thought we would fight, but these people declared war on us when they beheaded our hostages and put it up on You-tube. Think about it!