by Washington County Cooperative Library Services
April 11 – April 18, 2015
This year, Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) hosts its 11th Annual Storytelling Festival — Art of the Story, April 11 – 18. The week-long storytelling extravaganza features sixteen storytelling performances throughout Washington County.
Performers in this year’s festival include both local and national storytellers – Judith Black, Sam Payne, Kuniko Yamamoto, Chetter Galloway, and performers from Portland’s Brody Theater company.
Admission is always free and all festival performances are designed for the enjoyment of adults. In addition, the performance schedule indicates specific programs that will also welcome children ages 6 and up.
On the evening of April 18, the Sherwood Public Library hosts the final storytelling finale at the new Sherwood Center for the Arts, featuring performances by all four storytellers and the Brody Theater ensemble. A reception precedes the concert offering a no-host bar with complimentary hors d’oeuvres.
Please call 503-846-3222 no less than 3 business days prior to an event to schedule assistive listening devices or sign language interpreters.
For information on libraries and schedule of events, visit