by Stand for Health Freedom
You are invited to join Health Freedom Florida and Stand for Health Freedom on March 7th to march the halls of the Capitol in Tallahassee and let your voices be heard in the offices of every single legislator in support of medical freedom and save our state from draconian vaccine mandates!
The limited 2021 special session protections are expire this June driving vaccine mandates back into the state of Florida. That is why the passage of “The Protection of Medical Freedom Act” (Bills SB222 / HB305) is critical to all Floridians. Prohibiting discrimination based on your vaccination or immunity status will deliver permanent protection! Come by car, carpool, van, or foot, or even by bus, to help protect medical freedom in our beautiful state.
HFF has 4 locations with buses leaving for Tallahassee that morning. Get yourself to Tampa, Orlando, Naples or Jacksonville and grab a $25 ticket to spend the day advocating for medical freedom.
We begin our march at the Tallahassee Capitol at 11am and flood the halls and offices until 2:30pm. Showing legislators our massive numbers as we stop into all legislators’ offices asking three requests!
1. Vote YES on this historic civil rights bills (SB222/HB305)
2. Request they add their name to the bill as a co-sponsor
3. Ask them to make sure it moves successfully through the committees
We will provide handouts, talking points and provide medical freedom gear, ensuring you have a successful day advocating for the Protection of Medical Freedom, all while showing legislators how powerful our numbers are here in Florida! Not a big fan of talking to public officials, that’s okay, we will buddy up and make sure no one walks alone, if they don’t want to!
To join us please go to Health Freedom Florida to register. You can get your bus tickets and more information on the day at the link as well. And take to heart, filing bills is not easy, this is the one and only chance to save Health Freedom in Florida. Its now or never and if you do not show up and prove to legislators how important this bill is we will be forever a slave to the corrupt CDC, FDA, Federal Government and Big Pharmaceutical companies greed.
Buses are available at a first/come/first/service basis.
Stand for Health Freedom & Health Freedom Florida