Media is the forefront sales channel for vaccines. The following email was sent to this media site that has reported two new cases of measles in TN, but the story smells of bad professionalism, bad reporting, and possible misinformation.
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I am Ernest – writer and blogger. I just saw your story on new measles cases: I find it a little strange that no information about the patients have been included, particularly their vaccination status. So I wanted to ask if you contacted the related patients, their relatives, or the concerned health departments to verify whether they were vaccinated for measles.
Alternatively, is it possible that you and/or the health authorities know the vaccination status but for some reason decided to keep it from public?
Since your story recommends getting vaccinated to be safe, I would find it very ineffective in its convincing power to offer such recommendation without providing verifiable information regarding the vaccination status of the patients.
I hope you will get back to me with useful information in this regard.
Thank you!
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So far, I haven’t received a reply!
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