Veteran Bollywood actress Sadhana has passed away in Mumbai, India, at the age of 74. Born Sadhana Shivdasani, but popularly known as Sadhana, she remained
Tag: Bollywood news
Convicted Bollywood Actor Apologizes for Supporting Convicted Terrorist
India’s Hindi film industry Bollywood has a long history of connection with the under(crime)world and the recent expression of support by actor Salman Khan for
Bollywood and Fans Mourn Actor Farooq Sheikh’s Death
Hindi film industry Bollywood mourns the death of veteran actor Farooq Sheikh who passed away on Saturday in Dubai, UAE, at the age of 65.
Murder, Not Suicide – Surprising Twist in Bollywood Actress’s Death
Four months ago, the death of 25-year old Indian actress Jiah Khan took Bollywood by storm. It was tragic and at the same time controversial from day