“Shame on the EPA for putting the interests of Big Coal before that of Appalachian communities, waterways and wildlife!” These are the words from an email update sent by the Sierra Club to subscribers and supporters of the club
The email from Bruce Nilles, Senior Director, Beyond Coal Campaign, Sierra Club, resents the EPA’s move of allowing polluters “another free pass” to destroy Appalachian streams and rivers with mountaintop removal mining pollution.”
The message particularly expresses resentment over the EPA letting coal industry pressure to bow it in its favor as against the concern raised by more than 41000 voices asking for protection of the fresh water resources against coal mining.
Sierra Club is extremely concerned with selenium pollution of stream and river water, caused by blown-off mountaintop rock and dirt. Selenium pollution, as noted in the email from the club, causes significant biological damage to fish in fresh water systems.
Sierra Club has created an online letter to EPA administrator, titled EPA Failure — Putting Big Polluters before Appalachian Communities and Waterways. The letter reminds EA their failure in protecting Appalachian waterways and communities.