Scientific journals considered “prestigious” are unwilling to publish an important study on the effectiveness of face masks in preventing coronavirus infection. And we can guess why.
The Gateway Pundit reported on Saturday (October 24, 2020) that the study completed by researchers in Denmark is seeing a delay in publication despite its significant size and properly applied parameters. The story includes a number of tweets from public figures and one of the authors of the study commenting on what is going on.
Popular author Andrew Bostom, who is also a medical doctor, tweeted an image of text commenting on the study and naming the scientific journals that have turned it down. The scientific journals named include: The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Henrik Ullum, one of the study’s authors, tweeted as:
As one of the co-authors I can inform you that we are very unhappy about the delay of our study. We never anticipated this delay. The peer review process is important to secure correct scientific conclusions for this sensitive research question.
Economist, analyst, and research associate at the Copenhagen Business School, Lars Christensen wrote on Twitter that according to the Danish newspaper Berlingske three scientific journals have refused to publish the results of the first major scientific investigation the effect of use of masks during the Covid-19 pandemic. He added, “Apparently because the results might not show what is politically correct.”
Refusing to accept research that is not politically correct or that does not fall in line with the corporate/establishment agenda of the big fish in the academic field is yet another way of filtering out science that goes against the dominant narrative and undermines certain corporate and/or political views fed to the public as the only credibly science that exists. And in doing so, the journals lose their credibility.