by Michell Spoden
Rachel Hore is the author of several novels and is an amazing woman. Filled with a lot of passion about writing and a professional to say the least, let’s see what she has to say.
Michell: Please tell a little about yourself.
Rachel: I’m Rachel Hore, aged 53, British and a writer and university tutor. Before this stage of my life I was a commissioning editor for a book publisher.
Michell: You are an author of several books; please share with us a little bit about them?
Rachel: I’m about to have my sixth novel, The Silent Tide, published in the UK in paperback. My fourth, A Place of Secrets, was chosen by Richard and Judy for their Bookclub. My novels are about families and relationships, and about our links with the past. The Silent Tide starts in the present and casts back to the 1950s.
Michell: When did you first realize that you wanted to write?
Rachel: I first started to think seriously about it in 2003 when I was at home as a full-time mum of three.
Michell: Rachel please share with our viewers some of the best times that you reflect on in writing career.
Rachel: It was very exciting to find a publisher for my first novel, and, of course, to be chosen for the Richard and Judy Bookclub, but some of the most enjoyable times have been when researching the books. The Memory Garden is set in the Lamorna Valley in Cornwall and I loved walking around the place drinking in the atmosphere and finding all sorts of fascinating details for my story about the artists who lived there in Edwardian times.
Michell: Do you mentor others or teach? What is the best part about teaching?
Rachel: I sometimes teach Creative Writing locally in Norwich, and at literary festivals. The best part is actually the two-way process. I learn a great deal from the writers I teach and of course we have a shared love of reading and writing.
Michell: What advice can you give to those who have children or are caretakers about reading?
Rachel: Reading aloud to children can be a magical experience for both the child and the person reading.
Michell: If there is any advice you could give the unborn writer or the positioned beginner, what would it be?
Rachel: Try to write every day, not just the days when you feel like it, but also when you have to grit your teeth to do it. If you have something down on the page then you have something to work with, like putty.
Michell: What is your motto in life and why?
Rachel: I don’t really have a motto, but I suppose I feel that we were put here on earth for a purpose, and the challenge is to find out what the purpose is.
Michell: Do you stand for any humanitarian or environmental causes?
Rachel: I support a number of humanitarian and environmental charities such as Oxfam and Friends of the Earth. Reading Barbara Kingsolver’s novel Flight Behaviour about climate change recently, was an important experience for me. It made me marvel anew about the natural world and see the urgency of safeguarding it.
Michell: What are some of the things you like to do when you are not writing?
Rachel: I love music, particularly singing – I belong to a community choir in Norwich and sometimes sing with our church choir. I read a great deal, and review books. Otherwise, I like to spend as much time as possible with my family.
Michell: What are some of your future goals?
Rachel: I hope I will always write – and better! However, I would also like to study again sometime. And become a more proficient gardener. We have a lovely big garden, but it’s a bit jungly.
Michell: Thank you so much for this interview and it is a pleaser getting to know you.
Learn more about Rachel Hore at and on Facebook at
About the Author
Michell Spoden is the author of Stricken Yet Crowned and is also pursuing a transitional housing project for woman with an agricultural aspect. She has a degree in Business Science Administration and is finishing her bachelor’s in Project Management.
Shared with passion.