This week starts with a sad as well as terrifying tale of Bones, a healthy, big, gentle dog, rescued by the nonprofit The Lexus Project, only to end up dead later in the backyard of the woman who adopted her. Thanks to The Lexus Project, Bone’s murder did not go unreported.
In her story about Bones, Florida-based animal rights activist and journalist Denise Carey-Costa narrates the important details of Bone’s journey from his rescue by The Lexus Project to adoption by Kathy Sutter of Toledo, OH, and his “gone missing” news, ultimately to be discovered dead in Sutter’s backyard.
Bones’ story is terrifying to say the least, pointing to the potential presence of one of those cold-hearted, merciless serial killers that you have seen in psychological thrillers or horror movies, but who can be anywhere near you with a backyard hiding the secrets of their dark crimes. Needless to say, the story reminds us to be very careful, more watchful, and active in protecting ourselves and those voiceless life forms around us that can be the next victim of someone’s chronic sickness.
A petition asking for justice for the dogs killed and buried in Kathy Sutter’s backyard has gathered more than 13 thousand signatures and is closer to its goal of 15 thousand signatures. The petition is addressed to Animal control in Wood County, Ohio, where Sutter now lives.
To sign the petition online, click here.