Covered California and Department of Health Care Services Release Sacramento-Region Enrollment Figures through Feb. 28

Covered California and Department of Health Care Services Release Sacramento-Region Enrollment Figures through Feb. 28

Sacramento, Calif. — Covered California™ and the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) announced today that from Oct. 1, 2013, to Feb. 28, 2014, under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 45,998 consumers in four Sacramento-region counties enrolled in subsidized and non-subsidized Covered California health insurance plans. The new total represents a 16-percent increase from the 38,507 enrollments recorded through Jan. 31.California Department of Health Care Services

The five-month total also represents 160 percent of the base projection of 28,726 enrollments Covered California estimated for the region during the entire six-month enrollment period, which ends March 31 (see the first table attached). Enrollment in Medi-Cal is year round.

The impressive pace of enrollments in the Sacramento region is due in part to enhanced aspects of Covered California’s customer service. The agency has increased staff to answer consumer calls, added phone lines, improved its website efficiency, expanded its live Web chat function and upgraded its Spanish-language Web pages.

The Sacramento-region counties of Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer and Yolo represent about 5 percent of the statewide enrollment through Feb. 28. The local total includes 40,853 consumers eligible for financial subsidies. These counties encompass Covered California pricing region 3.

For the five-month period ending Feb. 28, 880,082 consumers enrolled in plans statewide. The total increased to 923,832 through March 9. Covered California also announced today that it had enrolled more than 1 million consumers as of March 14.

Tables and graphics showing enrollment projections and enrollment by metal tier and health insurance plan in this region are shown at the end of this release.

About Covered California

Covered California is the state’s marketplace for the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Covered California, in partnership with the California Department of Health Care Services, was charged with creating a new health insurance marketplace in which individuals and small businesses can get access to affordable health insurance plans. With coverage starting in 2014, Covered California helps individuals determine whether they are eligible for premium assistance that is available on a sliding-scale basis to reduce insurance costs or whether they are eligible for low-cost or no-cost Medi-Cal. Consumers can then compare health insurance plans and choose the plan that works best for their health needs and budget. Small businesses can purchase competitively priced health insurance plans and offer their employees the ability to choose from an array of plans and may qualify for federal tax credits.

Covered California is an independent part of the state government whose job is to make the new market work for California’s consumers. It is overseen by a five-member board appointed by the Governor and the Legislature. For more information on Covered California, please visit

About the Department of Health Care Services

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) works to preserve and improve the physical and mental health of all Californians. DHCS provides health care services for approximately 9.4 million Californians through Medi-Cal, including medical, dental, mental health, substance use treatment services and long-term services and supports. This is accomplished through an investment of approximately $70 billion annually in public funds for the care of low-income families, children, pregnant women, seniors and persons with disabilities. DHCS focuses on delivering quality, effective services primarily through coordinated systems of care provided by 21 Medi-Cal managed care plans located in all of California’s 58 counties. For more information about DHCS, please visit



One thought on “Covered California and Department of Health Care Services Release Sacramento-Region Enrollment Figures through Feb. 28

  1. I am a disabled male 55 ,I am a life coach for an individual with intilectual disabilities . We moved unto Villages of Monterey Apts. On November 24, 2015. First thing I let the ngny know is our washer & dryer werent working after 4 times they gave us a different washer & Dryer that is older or as old as the originaal one. I am rwlling this to you because the next problen were & still are BED BUGS. AS the Building first tries=f to charge me ,then to blanme me it took them (the BUGS) approx. 7mos. to crawl on me $ my LIFE has been a NIGHTMARE SINCE. They still isist I Brought them They Still insist the washer & dryer work. It’s my belief this apartment or washer had them there already & in tbhe time I washed my clothes they transfered into my bed which was less than two years old I had o but a Temperperic & throw my other New bed away .They took nearly a week tp get an exterminayor here during which tome myself & my roomy had tp stay at a Hotel & then A very large process on ywo occassions so far! THEY ARE NOY GONe ,Now they bite me all over my body & I dress to go to bEd. I want somrthing done with disability act as I BELIEVE If WEE WERE NOT DISABLED THEY WOULD HAVE HANDLED THIS WITH THE URGENCY IT CALLS FOR111 THANK YTOU REGARDS Phiollip Appelbaum

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