by Max Skinwood
Pulaski County (AR) Circuit Judge Alice Gray heard arguments recently from both sides with the state claiming this new provision fixed and met the holes that that AR Supreme Court ruled—that there were not enough votes from the state legislature to be enacted.
Voter Barry Haas of Little Rock and his attorney make the argument that this new provision is nearly identical to the last attempt. “It’s a square peg in a round hole. It won’t work,” says attorney Jeff Priebe. It is the state’s attempt to get around the Supreme Court’s ruling from four years ago.
This new law has been put in effect in several local elections; time is short for the judge to make a decision. Arkansas state-wide primary is May 22; early voting begins on May 7.
The court’s majority in 2014 ruled the law violated the Arkansas Constitution by adding a new requirement in order to vote.
My question becomes if there is a question or concern about the new law violating the state constitution, then why not amend the constitution? That is what amendments are for, correct?
Even at the national level this is nothing more than an attempt to hide the truth. Whatever that truth may be: not who you say you are, voting more than once, not legal to vote, a felon or a non-citizen.
This writer believes wholeheartedly that authority should be challenged, that is to say when harm may come from following blindly. There is nothing here that suggests there is any form of harm that could come from being recognized as a registered voter.
What does this mean? This is not a driver’s license, which is a privilege given to almost anyone at the age of 16 or drinking at the age of 21, for both of which you need a current (not expired/invalid) form of identification. Unlike voting, there is no wording addressing driving or drinking privileges; as there are no Amendments to the Constitution mandating that everyone be given the right to drive or drink.
The answer to the question what this means is: if you need an ID to prove you are of legal age to drink or have the ‘privilege’ to drive, then why is it so hard to comprehend that you be required to prove that you are who you say you are?
Hass contends that he would sign a document stating he is who he says he is—well in that case, I’m Bill Gates and I want all his money, or Genghis Khan.