The judicial-pharma complex destroyed another child’s life after 18 vaccines were forced on him by a Tennessee judge, who seems devoid of humanity and character.
The story of 5-year-old Isaac is heartbreaking and alarming. It started like it does in many cases – his parents fighting and going through divorce so that the case ended up in a court in Tennessee for child custody. The corrupt courts and their criminal-minded judges all over the country (and the world) are known too well for serving the mafias. The judge hearing the case of Isaac’s parents fits this picture perfectly.
As reported by Children’s Health Defense, the wife’s attorney brought up the vaccination issue during the hearing as a means to attack Isaac’s father, David Ihben. Judge Todd Burnett ordered the family to vaccinate their children despite the husband and wife previously living with the agreement that their family won’t be vaccinated. The story wrote:
According to Ihben, Burnett told the couple that it was his “personal opinion that not vaccinating your children is child abuse.” He then told the couple that whichever parent would be willing to vaccinate the children that same day would leave the courthouse with custody.
Ihben told the judge that he would prefer for them to stay unvaccinated but the wife, seeing the opportunity, quickly agreed to do it. They were subsequently given joint custody but the wife became the primary guardian. However, young Isaac had to pay the heavy price. When they were vaccinated that day with each child receiving various numbers of vaccines, Isaac was given 18 in the same session. He immediately fell sick and had to be taken to the ICU – with life-threatening adverse effects including 106 degree fever.
Soon afterwards, Isaac developed serious autistic issues and now lives with severe regressive autism. And it didn’t take the mother long to abandon the kids to the care of their father who is now taking care of the kids while Isaac has been permanently damaged – for life. What an example of motherhood!

Judge Burnett is only the tip of this massive malignant tumor of judicial-pharma complex. Thanks to President Ronald Reagan who provided blanket immunity to pharma against vaccine injuries in 1986, children in America have been put at the mercy of the medical mafia that owns the lawmakers, judges, and media. In case of death or injuries resulting from vaccination, the victims have to fight the federal government in kangaroo courts to get compensation, paid by the government.
Thanks to caring groups like Children’s Health Defense, the stories of victims of this mafia are not completely buried in the dark.
This is disgustin’! The irony is that the retarded judge considers it to be ” child abuse” for the children to be unvaccinated, yet it was child abuse to force him to be injected with poison as a. Condition of custody. The judge needs to be injected with 18 quaccines.