To all the sheeple and science-ignorant zombies, your day of reckoning is here. After deceiving hundreds of millions into believing they had COVID using the
Tag: PCR test
CDC Withdrawing PCR Test Used to Create the Pandemic Hoax
In a tell-tale move of confessing its fraud, the Corrupt Discredited Corporation (CDC) has informed everyone that it is withdrawing the PCR test use request
Fake Science: WHO Confesses COVID 19 Test is Not Reliable
After using the so-called pandemic of COVID 19 as a political weapon to destroy businesses and take away people’s freedom, the World Health Organization (WHO)
Fake Science of COVID 19 Test Rejected in Portuguese Court
The fake science of COVID 19 test was successfully challenged recently in Portugal where a court ruled the test unreliable and decided in favor of
International Attorneys to Sue the WHO for Lockdowns over Faulty COVID Test
The world was scammed into believing the COVID “pandemic” by the World Health Organization (WHO) and practically put in lockdowns for several months this year