Author of Daddy Versus the Suck Monster , Joseph Matthew Nespoli, opts for the ones that rock for him, and his humor bone.
1: Books or Looks
JMN: Books
2: Party or Football
JMN: Hmm. A Football Party?
3: Whiskey or Coffee
JMN: Whiskey… except for Sundays – then coffee.
4: Obama or Romney
JMN: Obama, but only by default
5: But or Butt
JMN: Butt
6: Cat or Dog
JMN: A dog named cat.
7: Sweet or Sour
JMN: Sweet.
8: Nicole Kidman or Gina Davis
JMN: Gina Davis.
9: Heart or Brain
JMN: Brain.
10: The Bride or The Boys
JMN: Wow, you’re trying to get me into trouble. The Boys, obviously.
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