Since the establishment-run coronavirus pandemic hoax has been exposed by doctors, journalists, and independent researchers, the segment of population that suspected this drama since Day one had turned into active resistance against the corporate-pharmaceutical agenda behind it: a vaccine to develop quickly and sell it to people; or even worse, impose it on people as mandatory.
The intentions of the big pharma and possibly accomplice government toward making the coronavirus vaccine mandatory, once it is developed, are clear. The question is how many are ready to resist the push for this vaccine. For an answer, there are at least more than half a million people who have signed the petition on Lifesite News saying No to mandatory vaccination for the coronavirus. The petition urges people to fight for their civil right of rejecting a vaccine.
No government can force anyone who has reached legal adulthood to be vaccinated for the coronavirus. Equally, no government can vaccinate minors for the coronavirus against the will of their parents or guardians.
Aside from people’s right to say no to vaccination, the petition also cautions against allowing this kind of authoritative control over our bodies to set a precedent for future vaccination laws.
We must also not allow the rush by pharmaceutical companies to produce a new coronavirus vaccine to, itself, become an imperative for vaccination.
At the time of writing this post, the petition had received 545,142 signatures.