Night Dive Features Art of Seshu Kiran, GS

Night Dive Features Art of Seshu Kiran, GS

Night Dive is a bi-annual art and music night and a premium event at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California. This February, the event displayed art created by Seshu Kiran.Kiran art 1

Seshu Kiran’s exquisite works of art were displayed at the event on February 21st, and the artist also did his signature art form – Live-Painting- at the occasion.

Kiran’s art received good attention and appreciation by hundreds of people who watched the show, some of them engaging in conversation about Kiran’s art and creativity.

The February Night Dive event was rich in entertainment for participants and viewers including a live performance by Fartbarf band. Also performing at the occasion was the increasingly popular SoCal band Aquadolls.

For updates and to see more of Seshu Kiran’s art, follow him on Facebook at:

About the Artist

Seshu Kiran, an artist and technologist, is currently displaying his works in Los Angeles. He works on oil and acrylic Kiran art 2paintings and also creates tech innovations. It’s a strange approach to solve the riddles of life using both left and right hemispheres. For him art nurtures a divine muse while with tech, he builds devices and systems. He painted the elusive aspen landscapes of Colorado and Sierra Nevada, also the dry landscapes of Arizona apart from portraits and other commissions he does. He built electronics devices and systems in telecommunications, automotive, T&M and medical domains. Realism searches for forms. Surrealism extrapolates the forms. Abstraction surpasses forms and goes in dynamic search of meanings. But for Kiran, realism remained a constant pursuit. It is not just about representing forms, but a mood, unity and meaning that he can create. He will be showing his next installment at the same location on Earth Day Celebration on Sunday, April 27.

About Night Dive

Night Dive is an evening event for adults ages 18 and up, where audiences enjoy bands, cocktails, food trucks, groove to some DJs, and are moved by works of art. The event is held at the Aquarium of the Pacific, Southern California’s largest aquarium with an average 1.5 million visitors a year. Visit to learn more about the aquarium and its events.

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