Atlantic Cooling Rapidly Belies the Global Warming Narrative Again

Atlantic Cooling Rapidly Belies the Global Warming Narrative Again

Two weeks ago, the news of a certain part of the Atlantic Ocean cooling at an accelerated pace was suppressed by the mainstream media. As reported in New Scientist, this swing happened very quickly:

Over the past three months, the shift from hot to cool temperatures in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean has happened at record speed.

The rapid cooling of the Atlantic challenges the global warming narrative pushed by the establishment science and media organizations. Now they are at a loss of explanation and are calling this a mysterious phenomenon.

But those with a critical eye and superior analytical skills are pointing this out as an example of the leftist lies that have adopted the term “climate change” as a political slogan.

Meanwhile legacy science sites like are continuing their usual incoherent and clichéd rationales that such things are rare but possible – global cooling and global warming happening together.

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