New Scamdemic: WHO Declares Monkeypox Health Emergency

New Scamdemic: WHO Declares Monkeypox Health Emergency

Just a year after the globalist criminal cabal called the World Health Organization (WHO) officially ended its manufactured pandemic of COVID-19, it has declared another global health emergency – just in time for the 2024 US presidential election. This time they are telling people that monkeypox is spreading fast and qualifies for a global health emergency.

The African thug, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who heads the WHO, issued a statement on August 14 declaring monkeypox – a disease started and spread by homosexual men in the last two years – a global health emergency. Also dubbed as gaypox, this infection is simply an STD and by no means a health emergency within a single country let alone the world.

But those who know the reality of the corrupt and criminal WHO are not fooled by this new declaration of an emergency. Having plundered billions and billions of taxpayer money during the manufactured COVID-19 scamdemic, the WHO and its allies in pharmaceuticals, government, and media are all set for the next round of the scam. They have a vaccine to sell – one that is as useless and potentially dangerous as the COVID-19 jabs.

Investigative media already have exposed monkeypox as the result of weakened immune system caused by the mass vaccinations during the COVID-19 years. The Expose wrote:

Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

The story includes documents showing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data that the government tried to hide from the public for at least 75 years but were forced to release after a court order. The documents show infections of poxvirus family reported after vaccination with the Pfizer shots for COVID-19 – the poxvirus family includes monkeypox virus.

The lies and crimes against humanity committed by the global pharma-government-media alliance during the COVID scamdemic are still fresh in people’s memories. No one with any real intelligence and integrity will buy this new plot of the WHO to steal more money and freedoms from people. Watch Josh Sigurdson offer his take on the issue.

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