by Bob Branco
In my county, there is an organization which makes computers for persons with physical disabilities.
This organization, known as the SHARE Foundation, adapts computers to each client’s specifications. For example, if you are blind, speech software will be provided. If you can’t move your hands, the technology is set up to help you compensate for this limitation. For example, the computer might be designed in order for you to operate it with your eye brows or by pressing against the keyboard with an external device, such as a pencil attached to your forehead or chin. There are also programs which allow consumers to dictate with their own voices.
In 2000, I received my first computer from the SHARE Foundation free of charge. Since then, all of my hardware and software upgrades were donated. The SHARE Foundation has a trained staff who are available for technical support, recommendations and some training.
In order for the SHARE Foundation to continue operating, they raise their own funds. On Saturday, October 1, I will be participating in their annual walk. At this time, I am looking for sponsors and other walkers as a way of thanking the SHARE Foundation for servicing me and all of their other clients. Many of us who are involved with the SHARE Foundation cannot afford this type of adaptive technology, so we are grateful for this service. I always believe that when a person or organization provides something that we need in order to help better ourselves, we should be proud and do what we can to show our appreciation. This is what I’m doing on October 1, and I hope others join me.
If you have a disability but can’t afford much of the adaptive technology available to you, you might want to find out if there are similar organizations in your area that would assist you as the SHARE Foundation assists me. It is worth the effort. Thanks to the SHARE Foundation and all of their efforts to help me, I have expanded my career as an author and columnist. I have also become one of the most active blind people on Facebook, and can run community events without much difficulty.
About the Author
Bob Branco resides in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and is a self-published author of four books. He is a community organizer, tutors persons with visual impairments, and has written columns for local and international organizations. Bob’s web site is