7 Tips on Picking the Best Dog Food for Your New Puppy

7 Tips on Picking the Best Dog Food for Your New Puppy

Guest Blog

When picking dog food for your new puppy, you need to take several things into consideration to ensure that your puppy is getting the right nutrition. But sometimes this can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to finding quality food that is good enough for your dog’s digestive tract. Most dog owners are stranded for not knowing the right pick. That is why you should use the tips below to help you choose the best dog food for your new puppy to give him lots of energy.


Dog Breed

Dog breeds differ and so do their level of activity and reproductive status. The foods that might be good for one breed might not be the best for another; so make your pick wisely. Take a look at your dog’s physical characteristics, behavior, and overall health to help you choose the best dog food. If your puppy is of a highly active breed, you might require food that with more calories compared to a less active breed.

Weight Goals

Your puppy’s weight is an important factor to consider when it comes to picking the right diet. Diseases like arthritis and heart disease not only affect humans, they also affect dogs. With a healthy weight, you will prevent issues such as underweight or the risk of having an overweight dog.

Puppy’s Age

The food that you pick should be formulated for your puppy’s age to ensure proper bone growth. This will enable your puppy to get the right nutrients to take him through the different life stages as well as body parts such as bone and teeth growth and development. Puppies have different requirements as compared to larger dogs. Most foods, however, have the age indicated on the package to guide you.

Nutritional Content

Take a look at the nutritional information on the package to ensure that you give your puppy a balanced nutrition. Some nutritional information specifies adult dogs, others for all life stages while still others are specifically for puppies. Other dogs require certain nutrients to stay healthy and combat certain health issues. Find out if this is the case with your puppy.

Calorie Content

Most puppies need food higher in calories to be able to grow healthy and strong. Most of the calories they consume are used for tissue growth and development and it’s therefore important to check the calorie content of the food you are buying. In case you are not sure, consult your veterinarian first to get nutrition recommendation.

The Manufacturer

With many manufacturers claiming to have the best dog food, it can be difficult to get quality food for your dog. Carry out some research on the manufacturer to ensure quality control. This will also ensure that you give your puppy the right food that has undergone feeding trials. Get the best reviews from the 4health puppy food.

Type of Dog Food

Some puppies thrive with grains while others do not and display allergic reactions. Check which food your puppy prefers and in case it does not work, switch to another diet. Both wet and dry products are a good fit, although it depends on your puppy’s feeding. Just check which one your puppy responds to best.

Check your dog’s health and activity level as you try out different foods. If you are unsure, consult with your veterinarian.

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